Friday, July 22, 2011

Let the introduction begin...

After succumbing to peer pressure from my other half, Ashley Elizabeth, a revamping of my blog was in order due to a revamping of my life. It's amazing what getting rid of 200lbs of lazy, useless, and lame does to a girl.

Since flinging my ex to the wayside in January I've been steadily moving upwards towards the life that I want to lead and enjoying the happiness that comes each day. Sure, there have been some obstacles along the way, whether it was being broke due to taking over all the finances when I booted him out or Tom Brady getting me once again with his evilness and making me fracture my ankle. But it's all been a huge learning experience and I'll stick to the old adage that 'everything happens for reason'. It made me realize who my truest of true friends are, how incredibly self-reliant I am, and pinpointed exactly what I did wrong in the past in order not to make the same mistakes in the future.

I tried desperately not get wrapped up in anyone else after the whole ex-boyfriend debaccle; I dated, flirted, bounced between guys but not between their bedsheets, and then he came along. I was absolutely doubtful any sort of seriousness happening and so for the first time ever, I strolled into our first date as pure, unfiltered Samantha figuring 'what the hell do I have to lose'. And then there was a second date.

And then a third.

And now a month later I've entered into girlfriend territory.

Everyone uses the "oh but he's different" excuse to justify getting into relationships once they've sworn them off over being scorned by exes, but I'm not going to use that. In my case, it's me who's different. I haven't compromised an ounce of myself, my ideals, my values, my goals, nothing. There's been no morphing going on like in the past where getting high and watching Robot Chicken sounded like a great idea or gallivanting with yuppies in Connecticut and discussing Nautica swimwear was the highlight of my day. I don't have to bite my tongue or stop myself from saying things because either there's nothing to contend or my opinion is truly wanted. There's a new level of comfort in being able to totally be myself without worrying about being judged.

I promise that this blog isn't going to turn into The Adventures of Samantha and the Surfer, but will instead showcase my absolute charm and wit completely unfiltered and uncompromised. Prepare yourself.